Thursday, October 1, 2009

GAME 1 RECAP: <3 Patrice <3

BONJOUR! Je m'appelle Patrice Bergeron! J'ai marqué un but!

Thanks, Alix!

Aside from Patrice Bergeron being the man, we now know that Derrick Morris doesn't like Ovechkin...probably because of this:

You can't see it, but the puck goes BETWEEN Morris's legs. He threw some good hits tonight, most against the Gr8 one. (excuse me, I need to vomit about that.)

Patrice Bergeron is also looking absolutely great. No really, fantastic. Oh look, here he is scoring the Bruins only goal, basically short-handed but .00001 seconds too late to be counted as such (lame):
(apologies to Evan for NHL video clip and sentence fragments :))

Oh game recap? Sure: Ovechkin, Ovechkin, Ovechkin, Ovechkin, Bergeron.


The Bruins looked like they were trying a bunch of passes that just barely missed. A lot. It's frustrating to watch.

They'll be better on Saturday, right? RIGHT?


sleza said...

I miss Fedorov :/

Unknown said...

So did at least one person at the game - they were wearing his jersey.

The Bastahd said...

That was pretty painful to watch from the balcony.

Was it just me or was the officiating terrible last night? Seemed like there were 3-4 blatantly missed calls and that one against Chara was terrible. Didn't cost Boston the game but certainly didn't help matters any!

natez0r said...

erskine = jim gaffigan