It's kind of fun that the last home game of the Bruins regular season is also the first home game of the Revolution season. Revs play TorontoFC at like 7pm tonight so unless you're watching Habs/Leafs on NHLNetwork (which you totally should be and rooting for Toronto) maybe flip that o-hahahahahaha oh my who watches MLS on TV anyways?
Regardless, the Bruins have a chance to clinch at home with a win today. 3 points today and tomorrow clinches 6th which isn't so bad. But check this out: Montreal might still miss. Here's how:
- Bruins get at least a point today (though they need a win to clinch).
- Toronto beats Montreal in regulation.
- Rangers beat Philly in overtime tomorrow.
Bonus: The Maple Leafs are locked in to 29th place for the season so you don't have to feel bad about them winning and maybe us not getting as good a draft pick. The draft lottery is on Tuesday, but you can
check in with the Oilers website for all your lottery simulation fun. Hit reload to re-run the simulation.
Here's the probabilities for Boston's pick from Toronto:
- 1st overall chance: 18.8%
- 2nd overall chance: 42.0%
- 3rd overall chance: 39.2%
- 4th or higher chance: 0.000% (
So things are looking up in Bruins-land. The crazies are giving up and moving on to the Red Sox. Bruins have a 60.8% chance of picking Hall or Seguin, both of whom will likely help a starved Bruins offense next year. And the playoffs are looking like a reality. Brilliant!
As for the season so far, it's been a disappointing one so far. A bunch of players aren't having career years again and we aren't even dominating the habs. However, hope springs eternal for the Bruins as they aren't eliminated from the playoffs. Minnesota is but who didn't expect that. The important part about the Minnesota season this year is Guillaime Latendresse who got traded from the Montreal media asking him why he didn't score a hat trick every night to the hokiest team in hockey and the hard-hitting reporting of the Minnesota media (actually I like Mike Russo a lot but they seem to be friendlier in Minnesota. Minnesota Nice. Nice. The folks over at
Hockey Wilderness have taken to calling him BTE (Best Trade Ever). Of course when you're a ten-year-old team that's less difficult.
I know I don't shut up about how awesome Steve Stamkos is but I'm signing up for Stammer's Sweethearts, especially after how hilarious this chart of where he's scored his goals from:
If you want to see the same kind of chart for Crosby (king of the tip-in) and Ovechkin (shoots from everywhere, scores from everywhere, Russian machine never break) Check it out on The MLS website could take some queues from them. Stamkos owns and I hope he scores 8 goals this weekend and takes the Rocket Richard.
Wisconsin is playing BC tonight in the NCAA Frozen Four Final.