Thursday, May 29, 2008

Happy Birthday Me!

Sydney Crosby SCORES! off the Hossa rebound
Sydney Crosby SCORES! off the Hossa rebound off the 4 other rebounds
Brooks Orpik GETS 4 HITS IN 10 SECONDS or so
I like that a fourth liner got the game winner.

Also, did you SEE FRANZEN? It was a dominant move. He just said, "fuck it, I'm putting this in" and then skated up from the blue line and did it. The Franzen, no one can stop him. When's his contract up, again? I want him in every city I root for.

Looks like we have ourselves the beginning of a series. We'll find out Saturday if it really is. The question on everyone's mind: Is Detroit going to continue to stay at the hotel they're in, whose address has been posted on the Pensblog, or are they flying the 205 miles back to Detroit (exact distance between the Igloo and the Joe is about that) for Thursday, Friday to come back Saturday? Or will they fall victim to a "faulty" fire alarm at 1:30am like the penguins did before game 1? (Seriously, it happened. Ryan Malone's Response: "The fire alarms in Pittsburgh don't always work, either, so we'll see" (ok, I'm paraphrasing).

Sydney Crosby has consistently been one of the hardest-working Penguins throughout the series. This is one of the many reasons why he is so good. (A whole bunch of talent doesn't hurt, either.)

And the next time you have 5 minutes and want to hear Wild Coach Jacques Lemaire say some silly things in press conferences, check this out

The finals have gotten more exciting. I'm now a bruins season ticket holder. Whoops?